Main Page
Welcome at Taucherpedia – the Wiki for divers – powered by Verband Internationaler Tauchschulen - VIT !
Taucherpedia - meaning in German Diverwiki - is your encyclopedia about all questions concerning scuba diving. You can use it also as an online training additionally to a profound diver training by your VIT instructor. It is designed for beginners as well as for advanced divers.
Since 1976, the VIT is known for competent and secure diver training. Due to this, you do not have to worry about the theoretical lessons. The subjects in the articles are put together by our most experienced instructors and designed to make them easy to understand - so you enjoy learning!
- Encyclopedia
Taucherpedia is a Wiki and consists of separate articles that belongs to categories and subject areas. By the top right search field you can search all articles for keywords. You will find an overview of all subject areas and corresponding articles in the subject area respectively article overview. The articles itself are structured in a way that basic knowledge is presented first followed by knowledge for advanced divers and experts. Hence, you can decide yourself how deep you want to get into the topic.
- Online training
In order to give you a compact and easy access to the neccessary knowledge for your diver training, Taucherpedia contains online training pages with all relevant topics for your training level. Just impart the articles in the given order and you move a big step forward in your diving carreer!
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We are working on an English translation of this webpage. All articles for the beginners' training are already available. For advanced training you can use the German version at |
If you are participating in a VIT diver training at the moment, we recommend that you start with the corresponding online training page. You will find all available online training pages in the menu left hand side and the most common also by clicking the ID-cards below.
You will find all informations about our association, the VIT, about our training system, our divecenters, actual courses and events and open positions at our website Further informations about structure and philosophy of Taucherpedia are available in the article About Taucherpedia.
The VIT wishes you a lot of fun while browsing and training, enjoyment and relaxation in your (new) hobby and safe dives at all times!